Mike Charidemou is a musician, songwriter, composer and producer, born in Islington, London. He has written music, for a variety of projects, including the award-winning short-film 'The Immortalizer', directed by Marios Piperides and starring Yiannis Kokkinos and Numan Acar (Homeland, Prison Break, Aladdin), and the award-winning documentary 'The Last Remaining Seats'.
Mike's work has been described as “Music without frontiers”, as evident on the instrumental album, 'Lost White Brother', written and produced by Mike Charidemou and Chris Louvieris. The album reveals the broadest range of influences, including Classical, Bluegrass, Native American, Blues, Eastern secular and sacred music.
A new work in progress is the album 'Fireflies and Distant Thunder', drawn from a palette every bit as diverse, in terms of influences. It also features unusual vocals and Deep-House beats arising from collaborations with young musicians, producers and DJs from around the globe.